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Welcome to Mother of Starkeeping Galactic Mystery School!



As I write this we have entered the Dawning of the Age of Miracles, Magic and Multidimensionality! We are seeing the Shift taking place right in front of us. We have entered a time like no other.


I want to welcome you Beloveds, to Mother of Starkeeping Mystery School! Welcome back to Higher Timelines and an embodied way of being! Welcome to New Earth of new frequencies for the awakened Starseed.  They are hundreds if not thousands of mystery schools all around the World. On the surface, underground, inner earth and interdimentionally where you can access through different states of consciousness. Most are hidden but they are there. My Dear Star Brother Ebtisam said something profound that put into perspective what MOSK is. He said in Muslim spirituality (which he is) that MOSK means HOME. Although this is a Spiritual School we know that we are all interconnected and we all come from the same "home". 


This Mystery School is you returning HOME to yourself. It is for those who feel the calling to awaken something deeper within their lives, mind, body and way of being. To take it to the next level of their growth.


Last year I started to speak about how I was visited by the Divine Mother and I was downloaded new information for my life and the Collective. Part of that download was to create a safe space where the magic of the sacred feminine could grow, re-emerge and be activated into the Light Warriors. Mother Of StarKeeping is a Collective Consciousness of The Divine Council of Nine. The Divine Mother. The Galactic Federation of Light and My Higher Self. It is the Frequencies of the Cosmos and the Astral Plane where our Divine Teams are assisting with the "changing of guards". It is the physical embodiment of the Divine Feminine Returned. The Activations within this Sacred School will be governed by the Weavers of Lyra and Mother/Father GOD.  MOSK was channelled through me by Source to be a sacred container to ground new formation of Divine Codes that will assist in activating the Warriors Of Light; YOU. We work alongside the Ishtar Command Team of Light who guard and protect not only the Morphogenetic field of Earth but the Warriors Of Light On Planet Earth. MOSK is a sacred Ceremony between you and the Divine. for the next steps of our Evolution as the awakened and Activated HUmans on Mama Tara!


We have entered a new time on Mama Tara and this calls for the "switching" on of your ancient creation codes that were built into the cellular grids, morphogenetic field and DNA of your HUman body. This switching on is to activate your full human potential but it is also to open and guide your transition to EXIST in higher timelines of these lower and higher worlds of consciousness. As most of you know this process takes you deep into your personal collapse of programmings that has kept you within a certain bandwidth of consciousness. Who you are becoming through this metamorphosis is what has never been done before; Mother of StarKeeping is our portal of remembrance and interconnection to our most Sacred Selves.


Mother Of StarKeeping is a Light Encoded Mystery School for remembering your mastery and awakening your higher wisdom in an embodied, grounded way. MOSK is not for everyone but who it is for will feel a calling deep within your being. This Sacred remembering is to activate your Star Coded templates in your body to live beyond 3D consciousness; These classes are here to assist in your metamorphosis and return you to your Cosmic Lineage while here on Earth.

This will be a deep remembering of why, who, what you are here to do on Earth. We are all in very different places in our Spiritual awakening but if you are ready to live outside the confines of limited consciousness, activate your innate power and MAGIC, MOSK is calling on you!




What's offered within Mother Of StarKeeping Mystery School? What can I gain?




  • These classes will go deep into our metaphysical transformation. You will feel this in your body as intense, light-filled vibrations, humming, sacred toning, re-wiring, attunements

  • Extrasensory perceptions heightened. New Earth Colors, shapes, textures, smell, taste, hearing.

  • Telepathy, Interdimensional communication between Higher Self and Light Teams

  • Activating your Multidimensional Self, Re-membering what this means

  • Comprehension of realities activated. Jumping, grounding, existing in different dimensions consciously while being grounded into the body

  • Healing blocks, patterns, trauma, that suppresses your MAGIC

  • Activating and accessing your capabilities from the Stars; your unique Star planets, Galactic Federation of Light, Elemental Realms, Archangels, Deities, Ascended Masters, Angels, Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Source Creator; Gaia

  • Protection practices, Ceremonies

  • Decolonizing Healing

  • Journeying with the Ancestors

  • Trusting your Intuition, body, chakra/higher chakras portals

  • Activating New Earth Chakras, Cellular Regenesis,

  • Shapeshifting your body, face, organs, cellular structure, DNA

  • Understanding Sacred sexuality, Tantric sensuality, God/Goddess sacred beauty

  • Switching on your Creator Gene. Galactic Gene and Star Gene

  • Using higher wisdom to be an embodied Starseed on Earth

  • Activating the Womb Stargate, Clearing, Healing the Sacred womb space, Akashic records

  • Spell  Work (New Earth Throat Chakra)

  • Temple of cosmic Astrology 










To learn more about the courses and classes we offer please visit the

What is a Mystery School page and the Course Outline page.


Registration for the June '24 Cohort is open.
Classes are Wednesday and Thursday nights from 7-9PM ET. 


What People Are Saying...

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"My MOSK experience was a 12-week Sacred Deep Journey of reconnecting with Dear Ancient Friends/Family/Sisters.


Natoya assisted me in remembering & activating more of my Sacred Power, Wisdom, Gifts within & also supporting & holding us all deeply.


This has been 12 weeks of Deep Profound Transformation that is still unfolding. Thank You Natoya for keeping it all so Real & for the Sacred, Safe container you hold.


Eternally Grateful.

All My Love!" 


—  Linda L.

Teachers of MOSK!



Master Ancient Teacher and Healer: Ancestral and Telepathy Teacher

Jen Maramba (she/her/siya, they, them) is a decolonizing energetic healer and postpartum care provider and has been communicating with Spirit for over 20 years. She is a Filipinx rooted Healing Guide, Spiritual Guide, Psychic Medium, Ritualist and Reiki Master. She believes each one of us holds a special gift to heal the self and one another.



New Earth Astrologer Teacher

Katie Emma is an Astrologer, Teacher, and the founder of Temple Of Cosmic Astrology School. She is passionate about teaching others the skills to the Divine the language of the Cosmos, and to empower the individual to grow and evolve in alignment with their own sacred, cosmic blueprint.




Reiki Master and Ancient Teacher: The Nu Human Body Teacher

A Reiki Master Teacher, Coach and Facilitator, Clare Kenty has been working with folks for over 15 years. Clare offers tangible ways to heal, grow and evolve through Reiki and supports both clients and students in cultivating a relationship with energy. Assisting in reconnecting to their magic and remembering their purpose.




Decolonizing Therapy: Decolonizing our Sacred Work Teacher

Affectionately nicknamed “the Rage Doctor” by peers and clients, Dr. Jennifer Mullan (she/her) is trained as a Clinical Psychologist, and is a published author.  She currently serves communities as a Consultant, Therapeutic Coach, Ancestral wound worker who seeks to unpack the oppressive legacy of modern mental health practices, particularly for Queer Indigenous Black Brown People of Color (QIBPOC). She has been featured in Allure, GQ, The Today Show, Cosmopolitan, The Calgary Journal, and was selected by ESSENCE Magazine to receive the 2020 Essential Hero Award, in the category of Mental Health.


Registration for the June '24 Cohort is open. Classes are Wednesday and Thursday nights from 7-9PM ET.



We all experience energies differently in the body. Please take your healing into your own hands and if you need to consult medical or healing advice for your peace of mind, please do. These classes and courses are not advised to be taken or listened to while driving. Children may listen with the guidance and support of their parents.


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