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The winds of change are amongst us and we are being called to Activate the next phase of Earth's Ascension thus awakening our Sacred wisdom and power to assist to the next level of our Awakening.


The past few years have been about the Healing.


Awakening to the possibilities of a new world and that new World has arrived. Now, we are taking what we've learned to embody this wisdom so the next phase of our power may open and lead the way into the realm of alchemy, deep magic, walking this awakened path interdimensionally with intent. 


We are living in Revolutionary and Transformative times StarBeings, and we know that we must take accountability for the energetic Timelines we are creating from the Divine Web of Life.


The big themes of 2024 that I have been tapping into for MOSK is working with our Shadows and Darkness and breaking cycles of the "Colonial" or "White Mind" which we are all complacent with,  at times. This means breaking away the barriers that limit us in our magic because we are afraid to be powerful or afraid that what we know is not "socially" acceptable. I am calling in the Ancient Mystery School Teachers and Guardians for MOSK Level 2.



Every week we will gather on Tuesday's and Thursday's via Zoom!


Tuesday's are our teaching days where we go into the curriculum or subject being taught. As an educator for years I understand that everyone understands and grasp information differently. Some take in the words while others like visuals and hands on teachings. I have incorporated all tools of learning within MOSK so students may understand the Spiritual tool and technology deeply and know how to take the tools into their Practices and in their everyday lives in a rooted and embodied way. 


With each subject a deep spiritual, mental and physical understanding is maintained. Within MOSK Level 2, the knowledge and wisdom will be centered around sacred initiations in our Ancient Practices, interconnection of Earth and Stars and clearing karmic contracts that keep us asleep to our magic and power.


MOSK Level 2 is calling in the Practitioners of Sacred Mystery School teachings.


On Thursday's we go DEEP within the Healing Work/Activation. MOSK encompasses both the knowledge and the practical Curriculum for your Sacred Practices.​​​​​​




This class will be two-folds.


Working with BOTH our Cosmic and our Lineage tongue of light.


•As a society/Collectively, we know our Mother’s birth tongue/language/tone and even frequency of her speech, her lineage and the culture that created her way of being.

•There is a reason YOU chose to come through your mother and your lineage. What are you collapsing, what are you amplifying, what are you creating anew?

•When we speak of the Mothers Tongue we speak of the Matriarchal essence, The SPIRIT behind the feminine that leads, teaches and sometimes, harms.

•Over time we have healed, harmed, stayed in vows and contracts all in the name of lineage, legacy, believes, trauma, toxic femininity etc..

•Our Earth Mother Tongue holds so much but within her sacred tongue holds the code that awakens who YOU are here to be … Tell me about your Mother. What made you feel close or separate from her?





•We are collectively beginning to connect to our DIVINE Mothers Tongue. Your Spirit was first created with a tone, a frequency…what's your vibe?  The thing that makes you stand out? The “thing” you are doing that is different from how your lineage has done it?

•What are ways you show up with your Cosmic/Divine Mother Tongue in your life?

•What are ways you are being called to show up that separates you from what has always been done in your lineage?

•Who are your New Earth Teams?

•How do you use your sacred tongue in your work? Raising your children? With community? Friends/Tribe?

•The Divine Mother Tongue which was our FIRST tongue, our first connection to not only our perspective planet and galaxy, but our connection to GOD.


Within the Activation and Healing within Mother Tongue we bring online your unique sacred tongue. What is your unique voice/light codes that create realities? How do you show up within this geometric matrix of light in your life?​​​​




We are living in new times, beloveds and the tools we once used 20, 10 and even 5 years ago are no longer the tools that guide us on our Ascension Journey.


As we ascend we are using and navigating new neuropathways and opening up to profound new abilities that assist us within this phase of our Remembering. It may even feel like times are getting more "serious" and more deliberate. We hold all the tools and modalities within our cells and DNA that will awaken or open up as we grow, heal and remember.


Source Creator put the tools within our Bodies!


Within this class we invite the Councils of Light and the AKAN Council to re-awaken you to these gifts and modalities needed in a Multidimensional World!


We go through each students cellular structure/patterning/template and create a "flow-chart" of information relaying that information for Activated embodiment of these multidimensional structures. Within MOSK Level 1 we worked profoundly with the Clair's activating these "super senses" and within this Activation we will be going further with the Clair's as these abilities have significantly changed and upgraded.


Some new abilities that we will work with is Telekinesis, Telepathy, Shapeshifting, Astral Healing, The Web, Light Synthesis Healing and SO MUCH MORE!





This class is Revolutionary!


We are not only reclaiming our Sacred Practices, we are redefining what sacred work looks, feels and embodies in a new paradigm of consciousness and within a new Dimensional template.


The World is changing and we StarBeings of Light are active participants in this change. Most, if not ALL of you have gone through PROFOUND Healing and Transformations within your awakening journey and through that deep metamorphosis your sacred work was birthed.


Within this class we bridge our Creation Story:


Cultural: Within your Lineage, holds sacred codes that have been carried through the intricate labyrinth of your for-bearers. Your ancestors are within your DNA and Cellular Structure.  Some of these codes are to be dismantled, some to be remembered and embodied.


Galactic: Your relationships to your Celestial and Cosmic Heritage. Who you have been and continue to be amongst the Stars plays a pivotal role in your Sacred Work. Let's go within the realms to honorably extract these codes of remembrance.


What is your Interconnection between Earth and Stars?


We take a look at our Cosmology Herstory and why we were called here within this Creation Matrix .







In previous years I have spoken about the Divine Feminine and the vital and important work that is taken place and that will continue for the foreseeable future.


To have a balanced and embodied Divine Feminine we must have a balanced relationship to the Divine Masculine.


The Divine Masculine is our stability and ability to RECEIVE.


Whether that support is financial, creating sustainability in ALL areas of our lives, and/or clearing old relationship patterns that keeps us stuck in a loop of trauma with how toxic Patriarchy has narrated sex, intimacy and relationship fundamentals. This is changing. We are seeing this within our relationships with all things including the land in which we steward.


Discussion and Clearing within this Class will be around our FATHERS.


What is your Relationship with Masculinity?


What is your relationship/connection like with your Father? Within your lineage of Seven Generations?


What is your relationship to Money? Wealth? Your Root? Home?


The Healing and Activation work will go deep within the Cellular Structure, Spine and DNA to withdraw old patterns and contracts with old paradigms of Masculinity.




How many times have you heard the word Karma over the last few years?!


It is a word many are saying but I feel the Collective Consciousness is really beginning to understand just how deep our Karmic ties and bonds actually go.


This uncovering and healing work goes within EVERY facets of our lives and we do not address the Root cause it will continue to affect our relationships and way of life.


Over the last few years I have assisted with clearing karmic ties and contracts that kept MANY binded to old family and relationship patterns and loops of poverty, harm and behavioural structures.


The moment we can pinpoint the Root, everything changes.


These patterns and karmic ties can feel revolutionary to dismantle. For many incarnated at this time, we are responsible for clearing contracts set forth THOUSAND of years ago. This work is not an easy feat and the Healing is often some of the hardest emotional, spiritual and physical healing you will ever do. It will bring up many hard feelings and emotions but the clearing and understanding will bring about a new horizon of HOPE for yourself and your Lineage. 




Those on the Spiritual Path are given sometimes extreme experiences to unlock their mastery and what they are here to seed and manifest in this lifetime.


The Legacy many Starseeds are weaving within this lifetimes will be written in the Herstory Books of Creation. We are meant to be Way-showers, Guides and Teachers of these New Times of Consciousness.


Warriors of Light are here to do TREMENDOUS work to not only awaken Collective Consciousness but change a Paradigm, Dimension and a Reality that have been rooted in fear and oppression.


Earth School is a masterful paradigm that requires all hands on deck and THIS is the lifetime to come online to your POWER and Divine will; to be wayshowers that are the guides ushering a New Era. Starseeds are here to TEACH and HEAL in whatever specialty they so choose in this lifetime. All lifetimes have been a bridge to align to your Magic in THIS lifetime, so, what are you here to do? This Mentorship will benefit those Starseeds who have been on this Spiritual Path for Years.


Those that have done/are on the path to do the deep work to heal, release Ancestral patterns and those that are embodied in 5D and Higher Consciousness. I will curate a Specific Curriculum for your unique expression in this Lifetime.  



Are you tired of living your life in loops? Doing the same things that do not bring you joy, peace, abundance? You are ready to align and root yourself in higher dimensional alignment and be the light bearer and guide in a New World? Then this is a Sacred Return and a Call.





Within MOSK Level One this class was not only a crucial class to understand and master, it was one of the most extensive in "Bending the Mind".


I warned my students that once they tapped into the power to navigate their world from different vantage points of realities and remember how to SHAPESHIFT and navigate their worlds; their lives would be changed forever. I wanted to take this class a bit more deeper in the understanding of HOW to really know the signs, behavioural changes, what happens within the body once a "jump" is made. How do you know when you are navigating different timelines?


DIMENSIONS: (a brief overview): Let's bend the mind a little!


"Dimensions are like “highways” or movie screens that your consciousness exist within…4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th…etc


A being or entity may have a huge presence in one dimension and a very minor presence in another. For example, I could be a high-level Master in 5D or 7D, but only a tree or a small bird in its 3D physical form, because that is what the overall entity wants to experience. Let's get into the roles in which you play and WHY. "


This is only the beginning!




Over the last 20 years when I have felt beaten down by my upgrades and Healing journey it was mostly due to escaping my body. I didn't feel safe as I was navigating a new world of frequency upgrades.


When I began to work with these codes of light and understood the intricate flow of the energies I was working with at all times; my life changed and I started to ease into the change instead of fearing it because I did not understand it. Within this class we will work with Energy Alchemy.


For the Starseeds, it is hard for us to ground into physical density especially when it is painful, uncomfortable or when we are experiencing real traumatic scenarios in our every lives. It's easy to "escape" and go somewhere soothing where we can pacify our thoughts and emotions for a second.


The future of the health of our physical Vessels depends on our Embodiment Practices.


Within this class we venture into real techniques and modalities to assist our Journey! We take it to the Divine Councils, Galactic Federation of Light and The Lyrans for practical tools, sound healing and practices for support with our Embodiment Practices.





The Web is an Ancient Healing Technique for New Earth that I and many of you have accessed and worked with before.


The Web is exactly as it sounds, however there are variants that make this Healing Network one of a kind for what we are here to do within the Dimensions, Paradigms and Timelines we are working with. The WEB works with the "Spine of Creation", synovial fluid which I call "Galactic Fluid", DNA and the cavities with the Joints/Skeletal System.


Governed by the Divine Mother, Councils of Light and the Weavers of Nu Creation.


The Lyrans teach and works with Spider Root Work.


Many Starseeds who assisted with Earth School from amongst the Stars will know this Healing Network very well.


Originated through the Galactic Federation of Light with our Divine Angels and Archangels and governed by the Lyrans and Siriuns with the assistance from many other Star Nations this Ancient Kemetic way of being were overseen by the Priest and Priestess initiated to sanctify and anoint their Kins.


Within this Powerful class we RETURN to the WEB of Creation.

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Shapeshifting is New Earth's Magic!


In many Galaxies and Planets Shapeshifting is as ordinary as the air we breath and we are remembering how to use this ancient tool to navigate our Realities. Shapeshifting is about attuning the DNA and the Cerebral channels to the level of Cosmic Intelligence that exist within each and everyone of us!


This is not only a ”skill” but a way to regenerate, and to keep our bodies, minds and spirit balanced and healthy.  We naturally know how to do this through breathing techniques, tonal frequencies and clear intentions. We write the script of our bodies by how we want to FEEL within an experience. Our bodies will lead the way if we give CLEAR instructions and practical rituals and skills.


Our Earth and Human experience are about clearing the distortions and illusions that keep us away from our natural state of ease, health, abundance and balance.




This wouldn't be Mother of Starkeeping if we did not speak about our Benevolent Teams of Cosmic Light!


Our Teams of Light are Celestial Family from all reaches of our Galaxy that assist with Earth and Cosmic Mystery Schools and they are always around us guiding us with EVERYTHING from shadow work, healing the body, mind, Spirit, to assisting us with creating our aligned and desired lives.


Within level two we will connect with new families of light and hear the message for this phase of our Mastery and Ascension. The Galactic's will assist to activate your Ancient Mother/Father Tongue while attuning the body for next level Alchemy.


What are we to expect for these next ten years?


What should we be doing for optimal use of our gifts, magic and power?


What are the Starseeds next Sacred and Divine Instructions?

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Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 19-04-32 STAR FAMILIES WEEK! MOSK.png




If you had the opportunity to witness Jen Maramba in Ceremony, you will know it is a DEEP honour to have her as a guide to Ancestral Journeying. Jen will take you on a Journey to connect you to the well Ancestors who are guiding you at this time with your WEALTH Codes and Ancestral discord/dis-ease/and old Health contracts within your lineage.


This class will be deeply healing as we get to the ROOT of what you may be corded to in your everyday lives that began many lifetimes ago.


Jen and I will join forces as she calls upon the Earthly Ancestral Realm and I call upon our Cosmic Ancestors of the Stars. When Jen and I are in Ceremony we navigate the underworld of trauma, emotions and past lives ties with deep compassion and our combined years of mastery in the Spiritual Field. 


We have entered a time of not only powerful embodiment of our Soul's purpose but to call in support like never before as well. As we navigate rooted dimensional and timeline jumps are Ancestors exist and weave within these spaces of light and sometimes darkness to teach us how to weave these realms as well.


"Now is not a time to be afraid of your shadows, but to embrace them and let them open up gateways of wisdom, abundance, and magic that are your Ancestral Birthright". ~ Natoya

Is ancestry work something you do in your practice ✨ Ancestry work is a form of spiritual
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