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The New Spiral Mind: Lion’s Gate Activation Replay - Pay $77 USD

The New Spiral Mind: Lion’s Gate Activation Replay - Pay $77 USD


Divine Starseeds,


I am so happy for our ANNUAL Co-Creation for this EPIC and MASSIVE Stargate alignment,



As I was downloading the theme and energy for this year’s Lion’s Gate Ceremony, I got a flu (Frequency Light Upgrade) and cold “bug/reset” that completely took me out and all I could do was sleep and rest and DOWNLOAD! This happens EVERY year and when it does, I know it is GO TIME for the biggest Ceremony of the year!!


When I asked the Divine what they would like me to cover, heal and activate; I heard “We are in the second phase of the “New Earth Project”. I knew what this “New Earth Project was, I have been speaking on this for YEARS. We are entering a new Era where we are living and grounding within a New Earth Template of Consciousness. Within this Ceremony they would like me to discuss the upgrade of the RNA DNA sequence that we are currently experiencing. We are going to open the body’s portals to the rainbow codes of New Cosmic Life Frequencies.


Some themes that I will be addressing in this Ceremony are:


  • The Golden Dragons of New Earth and what they are assisting us with in this new paradigm.


  • Next Steps in the “Human/Starseed Ascension”


  • How to “bring down”, use and activate the Rainbow Spiral Codes of Nu Creation


  • The “Web” and how to use this Ancient Healing Technique for Metamorphosis and Full Body Regeneration. Working with Mama Anansi


  • Opening up New Pathways within the body that assists with creating your new realities from a “New Mind.”


The Lion’s Gate energy begins during the Sirius alignment of July 3rd-7th. Earth aligns with the Planet Sirius and opens up a Stargate of high Siriun frequencies streaming unto Earth. As most of you know the Siriuns are the Star Beings that Created and formulated the intricate Human Body Design along with the Galactic Federation of Light. Within this portal, we are getting “switched” on in ways we have never been switched on before. June is the “setup month” that assisted with the preparations of getting us energetically ready for this massive surge of energies, to be honest, I think this YEAR has gotten us ready for this influx of Activations. This Siriun Portal gets us prepared for the GRANDMOTHER of energies coming through as the LION’S GATE from August 8th-12th.


What is the Lion’s Gate and why is it such a powerful time of Co-Creation, Healing and Metamorphosis?


The Lion’s Gate aligns Earth to our Galactic Center forming a grid that opens up high frequency Crystalline, Diamond and Rainbow frequencies to assist with our upgrades and Transformation. In the sign of powerful Leo (Lion/Lyran) we also see the alignment to our Spiritual Sun, Sirius, and the Orion’s belt. This opens up a MASSIVE portal that aligns the Pyramid of Giza’s frequencies of ANCIENT Multidimensional and interdimensional Codes unto Planet Earth. This Gateway is no joke and as most of you know this time of the year is MASSIVELY INTENSE, you are probably feeling it effects already.


This is an “all hands-on deck” when it comes to our Spiritual Teams weaving this Stargates potency. Not only is the Galactic Federation of Light which includes the Siriuns, and Lyrans energy really prevalent during this time but we are also aligning with the Orion’s Belt opening up Universal frequencies beyond the 12 Dimensions of Space and time. This time is for the WARRIORS and MASTERS of New Earth. This time of year, is for the STARSEEDS!


July will be an intense month as we welcome the DAY OUT OF TIME on the 25th and the GALACTIC NEW YEAR on the 26th. I have attached a Ceremonial preparation guide for our Ceremony that will assist with preparing your energy for this Epic Activation.


I look forward to spending this time with you Starseeds as we make our intentions CLEAR for what we want to Create within New Earth and what we are leaving behind that no longer serves. Begin your intentions NOW beloveds, these energies of July into August will assist with the amplification. These activations will be for the body’s new template. We will turn on the DNA’s (RNA)

Fullest expression as we clear old, distorted belief systems and thoughtforms that keep us capped in the loop of 3D illusions. For some of you, this is a deep initiation into the new, while for others this will be a profound healing journey that propels your consciousness into a completely new paradigm. Thank you for entrusting me with Ceremony for this magical and Sacred Gateway.


Welcome to the LION’S GATE Ceremony!

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