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Crystalline Core Meditation 528Hz

Crystalline Core Meditation 528Hz


I did a beautiful Ceremony with my Sistar Jen Maramba and I was guided by the Arcturians, Divine Mother Creator of ALL, Star Families, Lyran, Siriuns, Ancient Earth Keepers/guardians, to do this beautiful and POWERFUL Meditation. 

These codes are sharp beloveds, please give yourself time to acclimate afterwards into your body. Take note mentally if you are able of the beings of light that showed up as your Divine Teams. What messages and guidance came through? Where in your body did you feel the most energy? How does your Healing Team look?, What messages did you see when you went unto the Crystal Bed of Light? What Crystals are you seeing the most of in this Portal? How do YOU look?! Do you look like the same person or did you shapeshift into a different form, light or being?

Take your time with this track and if you need to stop and take a break, please do! This is your Sacred Journey. Trust your guidance and the magnificent Being of Light who has traverse DIMENSIONS and LIGHT YEARS to be here for this NOW! You are a big fucking deal.

  • When you purchase this recording, it is for your own personal use only and is not to be shared with anyone else or used in any other way other than for your personal healing.

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